JC Brown Clock Company Double Ogee
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JC Brown Clock Company Double Ogee Mahogany case, good dial. 8 day. Good label. Ht, 31 in. The John Taylor Collection, Derbyshire, UK.
JC Brown Forestville Clock Company Miniature Shelf Clock

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JC Brown Forestville Clock Company Miniature Shelf Clock 19th century. Paper mache and mother of pearl case with original dial and glass. Ht. 17 1/2 in. The John Taylor Collection, Derbyshire, UK.
Forestville Ogee Brown Mantle Clock

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Mantle clock from Forestville Manufacturing Co and J. C. Brown of Bristol, Conn., great old label inside, brass 8 day works, painted wooden face, minor veneer damage, circa 1850, 29″ tall by 16 1/2″ wide. Both upper and lower glasses have been replaced years ago.
JC Brown, Forestville Clock Company

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JC Brown, Forestville Clock Company 19th century. Figured mahogany case. Signed and painted metal dial. 8 day time and strike. Tablet depicting JC Brown's House. Good label. Ht. 29 in. The John Taylor Collection, Derbyshire, UK.
JC Brown Forestville Clock Company

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JC Brown Forestville Clock Company
Circa 1850. Papier Mache Frame Dial Clock: rare design of clock not too many examples known; Noah Pomeroy balance wheel movement; original dial paint, signature has been strengthened, 8 day.
Ht 14 in.
Provenance: The John Taylor Collection, Derbyshire, UK.
JC Brown Forestville Clock Company

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JC Brown Forestville Clock Company Ripple front steeple on rosewood case, original dial paint with faint JC Brown signature. Original etched tablet. 8 day and detached alarm. Nice, old finish. Good label. Ht. 20 in. The John Taylor Collection, Derbyshire, UK.

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8 day, brass movement;